Creating a project

Who can create a new project?

  • Project managers
  • Admins

These steps will create a new job in the ERP and your accounting system at the same time.

  1. Open the work in progress page, and scroll down to the WIP table.

  2. Choose either Progress or Invoice as the job type.

    Progress billings are typical jobs with G702/G703 draws.

    Invoice billings are T&M only jobs. These have original contracts of $0 and exclude retainage completely.

  1. Choose either Existing or New Customer type.

    Existing customer means this is not the first job performed for said customer, and they already exist in the ERP/Viewpoint database. Choose this to avoid making duplicate customers. Select the existing customer from the dropdown list, or type to search.

    New customer means this is the first job with this customer, and they aren't in the ERP or Viewpoint database yet.

    If you chose New Customer, see below for help on these fields.

  1. Choose either Existing or New Job type.

    Existing job is only used in rare cases where a job was only created in Viewpoint, and now you need to bring into the ERP. Select the existing job from the dropdown if needed.

    New job will create the project in the ERP, and then push it to Viewpoint once you press Create.

    If you chose New Job, see below for help on these fields.

  2. If it's a New job, Enter the Customer details fields:

  1. Enter the Job settings fields. These are for the actual job site address, not the client's address:

  1. Enter the original contract amount and original budget taken from the original project win/estimate.

This will form the job's Bid Gross Profit number, so ensure these are entered accurately.

  1. Press Create when done. You will see a progress bar showing that the project is being created in the ERP and also pushing to your accounting system.

  • The assigned project managers and general superintendents will be notified that they have been added to this new job.

  1. You can then open the project settings to fine tune the remaining settings, by clicking on the job's gear icon in the WIP. Click here for the project settings guide.

  2. Done!
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