Work in Progress (WIP) management

The WIP table shows active jobs only, meaning jobs that are ongoing with some amount of billing remaining (progress or retainage).

You can customize your filters and views, which will save to your user profile. More on that below.

New project - creates a new project in the ERP and Viewpoint.

Export - exports current WIP view to PDF or Excel (.xls) file.

Order - Allows you to hide/show WIP column data.

Dropdown - This is the current WIP view you are seeing and modifying.

New profile - Creates a new WIP view. This allows you quickly jump through your custom views such as "Superintendent performance" or "PM cost projections" etc.

Where is each WIP data field pulling from?

Job # - Set at project creation in ERP. Can be changed in ERP project settings.

Project - Set at project creation in ERP. Can be changed in ERP project settings.

PM - Set at project creation in ERP. Can be changed in ERP project settings. Multiples possible.

GS - Set at project creation in ERP. Can be changed in ERP project settings. Multiples possible.

S - Must be changed in ERP project settings, after job has been created.

SOV - Pulls from ERP. No SOV badge = SOV is approved. Orange = draft is created but not approved. Red = SOV needs to be created.

Status - Defaults to 'Active' upon job creation, can be moved to 'Closed' manually in project settings.

Contract revenue - Formula is Original Contract Amount (entered at ERP job setup) + Viewpoint Change Orders

Base contract - Original Contract Amount entered at job creation.

Approved changes - These are change orders approved/posted to Viewpoint

Billings % - Percentage of Billed to Date vs Contract Revenue

Billed this month - Checks for Approved pay apps in the current calendar month.

Billed to date - Sum of all billings in Viewpoint, excluding retainage

Cost to date - Sum of all costs pulled from Viewpoint posted invoices/costs

Projected cost to finish - Pulls from last saved ERP cost-to-complete entry

Total job cost & projected - Adds cost to date from Viewpoint, to last saved ERP cost-to-complete entry

% of cost - This formula is Cost to date / (Total job cost + projected cost to complete)

Current GP % - Result of Billed to Date vs. Cost to date (both are pulled from Viewpoint)

Projected GP % - Result of Projected GP $ amount / Revised contract value

Cost in excess of billings - If Cost to Date is greater than Billed to Date, the overage is displayed in red.

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