Change orders

You can access the Change orders page through the left hand menu.

Here is where you handle all things Change order related. This could be a new COR/Time and material request, a new Subcontract change order (SCO), or printing batches of TM tickets for a client.

Change order actions

Use this action bar on the right side of page to work with each record listed.

Status choices

Note: Status options differ slightly between TM and CORs

TM Time and material ticket status options:

COR Change order request status options:

To push a TM or COR to Viewpoint, the status must be Approved or Billed.

Batch print CORs and TMs

If you need to quickly print multiple records at once, and include a cover sheet summary, then use Batch print.

Batch print tickets module is simple, just choose your project, date range, and status choices. If you would like a summary sheet attached as page one, toggle it to Yes. This will total up all records and create a nice summary of everything included in that package, with a grand total.

All records are then exported as one PDF file. Summary cover sheet example:

Print project change order logs

If you need to print a log showing all COR/TMs to date, use the Print logs button at the top right.

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